Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Virus Selesema Melanda..

Diriku yang terkene demam selesema..sodey hati..nasib disahkan bukan H1N1...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Memory..Hoping..Good Afford..

Gambar kenangan keje di Korea..Seoul area..gambar dah lama tapi baru skg rase nak share something with people. Aku jadi ingat balik pasal hasil usaha aku dengan boss..akhirnyer ader gak org nak beli equipment baru kitorg.hari tu ialah hari ini (19/8/09). after 1 year people can understand and appreciate our new product. after making all of my affords to convince people. i think it quite a though time. but i'm still hoping that there will be many company will buy our new product-battery examinator. dah la pnat2 pi dok negara org..dok mkn kimchi ari2 sampai balik malaysia rase nak mabuk tgk kobis da..kalau org still memperlekehkan new technology tu, aku pon bley kecik ati dibuatnyer..hehehe..bley teremosi plak dah. sabarlah wahai hati..caiyuk..

Best jadi budak...

Gambar ni aku amik masa pi shopping dkt Nilai 3. Bawaklah 3 orang sepupu yang selalu jadi tempat tumpang manja (almaklumlah orang takder adik kecik...anak??jauh skali..hehehhe). Punyerla semangat nak membeli-belah. Ingatkan nak cari perabot jati bagi mak..cari punyer cari..tak jumper2 gak yang menarik perhatian..jadi nak dipendekkan cerita, pi la satu kedai ni (gambar latar belakang). dah aderla yang menarik dan dah beli pon. harga mmg boleh tahan. kualiti pon tip top. Nak di jadikan cerita dekat sebelah kedai tu aderlah jual alat mainan. so, sepupu aku yang 3 orang ni mule la mengendeng2 dkt kedai tu. Aku dah paham dah ape diorg hajatkan..cume malas nak layan jer. Nak tau tak..kronik nyer diorg bley pi mintak sedekah plak dkt kakak yg jual mainan tu..dengan senyuman comel masing2..mintaklah dkt akak tu..adik nak pistol buih tu..tak bley ke kak?..akak yg jual barang mainan tu buat derk je..msti dalam hati ckp "no talk"..dahla muker pon sombong semacam. tu ayat pertama kluar dari mulut si kecik (pakai baju hijau oren)...ayat kedua plak keluar dari mulut si kakak (baju pink-si kakak mmg pandai gune ayat)..kak..bagi jerla pistol tu..nanti kak long besar bayarkan (kak long besar tu aku la)...cet..dah mintak sedekah tak lut..diorg jual nama aku plak. mmg dasar budak kecik..sesedap rasa jer mintak..apa yang aku nak terangkan dkt sini..betapa indahnyer jadi kanak-kanak. aku yang jenis tak sampai ati ni belila pistol tu..maka diorg pon mainlah bagai nak gila dkt dlm kedai perabot sambil tunggu aku dgn mak nego harga perabot tu...biasela pompuan mmg suke barang diskaun. tu baru drama sebabak aku dan sepupu..masuk babak yang kedua plak..pi kedai yang jual pakaian..ingat nak beli baju raya la plak..tapi lain yg terjadi..aku plak kene sound dgn 3 org kenit tu...diorg ckp...kak long..mak pesan..jgn beli byk2..membazir..aduss..terkene plak..mmg budak2 kudus pemikirannyer..aku pon terangkan dkt diorg..mana ader kak long beli byk2..beli mana patut jer..lor, aku ingat diorg paham..rupernyer diorg sambung lagi..mana patut kalo tak belikan diorg punyer...rupernyer masing2 dah silap pemahaman da...heheheh...mmg dasar budak..mmg harmoni kalau jadi budak2 kekadang aku pikir..cakap ape pon org tak amik ati pasal at last org akan ckp..biarla..budak2...macam yang slalu aku ckp gak...for the 3 muskeeters (3 little cousin)..don't worry..kak long will always remember all of u...walaupun duit aku slalu ranap di kerjakan masing2..hehehehe

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Belong With Me

You're on the phone
With your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about
Something that you said
She doesn't get your humor
Like I do

I'm in my room
It's a typical Tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music
She doesn't like
She'll never know your story
Like I do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain
And I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
You belong with me

Walking the streets
With you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking
This is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench
Thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy

And you've got a smile
That could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile
Since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what chu doing
With a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for
Has been here the whole time

If you could see
That I'm the one
Who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you
See you belong with me
Standing by and
Waiting at your back-door
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That I'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just Smile (",)


Ade satu mak cik ni ,die kerje sebagai tukang sapu kat sebuah bangunan. hari2 die kerja kat tingkat 20. hari2 juga dia akan naik lif sampai tingkat 10 dan menaiki tangga utk ke tingkat seterusnye.Seorang despacth yang telah lama memerhatikan sikap mak cik itu dan berase hairan. dgn berani dan hairannye ,dia bertanye kpd mak cik tersebut "kenape mak cik naik lif sampai tingkat 10 lepas tu naik tangga sampai tingkat 20? Dgn marahnyer makcik tersebut berkate "kau tengok tinggi aku". Rupanye makcik tu agak pendek dan tangannya hanye sampai utk menekan butang 10 dlm lif itu jer..


Seorang lelaki bekerja di tingkat 13 menara KLCC. Tetiba seseorang menjerit.. "Omar! Isteri engkau telefon ada kecemasan..!"Kerana panik, dia terus terjun keluar tingkap dari tingkat 13. Sampai kat tingkat 9, dia teringat yg dia tiada isteri.Sampai kat tingkat 5, dia tersedar dia bujang.Dan ketika dia hampir menyentuh tanah... .dia sedar namanya bukanlah Omar!

Jadi..senyum-senyumla selalu selepas baca cerita lawak nie..kerana senyum itu penawar hati..

Monday, August 10, 2009

Always remember to forget

Always remember to forget

The things that made you sad

But never forget to remember

The things that made you glad.

Always remember to forget

The friends that proved untrue.

But don't forget to remember

Those that have stuck by you.

Always remember to forget

The troubles that have passed away.

But never forget to remember

The blessings that come each day.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Pesta Flora Putrajaya..

Pesta Flora Putrajaya...

Mcm taman syurga dunia la plak..masa pi sampai tak kenal bunga dibuatnye..punyerla byk bunga.

Lepak dengan kawan2..

Ari Jumaat (31/7/09)..dengan rase buhsannyer..aku and officemate pi ler try mkn dkt Papa Rich..nak bagi komen..makanan dekat sana best gak..tak caya tengoklah gambo makanan yang dah licin tu ha..muke masing2 pon happy jer..maklumlah perut dah kenyang..